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This is a website operated by Elekate Medical Solutions under the domain name The Elekate Medical Solutions Website is owned and operated by Elekate Medical Solutions.

Your use of the information is governed by these Terms and Conditions and Elekate Medical Solutions Privacy Policy.

The medical and legal information on the Elekate Medical Solutions Website is not comprehensive and is intended to provide a general outline only. You should not act on the basis of anything contained on the Elekate Medical Solutions Website without first obtaining specific professional advice.

Elekate Medical Solutions service provider may keep logs of your visit to this site, which may include information about your server’s address, domain name, the date and time of your visit, the pages accessed, any documents downloaded, previous site visited and the type of browser used.

Elekate Medical Solutions will neither identify nor disclose users of this website or their browsing pattern, unless required by law.

Elekate Medical Solutions will record your email address whenever you send us an email and use it only for the purpose for which it was sent to us.

Elekate Medical Solutions also collects personal information from you when you complete online applications for our products and services and transact with us online. If Elekate Medical Solutions collects personal information through this website it will inform you about the nature of information collected, for what purpose it is collected and how this information will be used and, if it is to be disclosed, to whom. Elekate Medical Solutions may use cookies for the purpose of collecting information.

Information about the law relates only to the laws of Australia, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Enquiries and emails

To send an email to us, or to make an enquiry online, you will need to complete an email form available on this website. Many of our online forms ask for a limited amount of personal information for contact purposes, such as an email address or telephone number. You have the choice of whether or not to provide additional personal information. Information provided to Elekate Medical Solutions either directly or indirectly through these forms will be used by Elekate Medical Solutions for the purpose advised to you at the time the information is collected, and to meet Elekate Medical Solutions legal obligations.

Links to other websites

This site may contain links to sites maintained by other organisations. A link from this site does not imply Elekate Medical Solutions endorsement or agreement with the views of those sites. Elekate Medical Solutions does not provide any warranty or take any responsibility for the accuracy, source or any other aspect of those sites.
Elekate Medical Solutions is not liable for any loss or damage, however caused (including through negligence), which may be directly or indirectly suffered by you or anyone else in connection with use of this site or a linked site.


Copyright in the material on the Elekate Medical Solutions Website is owned or licensed by Elekate Medical Solutions. If you use any information on this site you must acknowledge the source of that information appropriately.

Get back to what you do best, caring for your patients. Let us take care of your medical practice. 

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